Sunday, October 28, 2012

Further Thoughts

In the previous post, "It's About Time", I posted my opinion on the interruption of military funerals. I still feel the same way! I'm still glad they FINALLY, after too many years have gone by, got around to passing a law to stop the protests.

Two days ago, I sat at my mom's funeral and this law came to mind. I was appreciative that we didn't have to deal with anything disruptive and appreciated a quiet send off and celebration of her life. Again, I'm so glad that the law was passed and felt even more sympathy and compassion for the families who have had to experience such obnoxious and inconsiderate behavior of some who feel they have more rights then the "issue" they are protesting.

I am appalled that a church of all places would be the protestor when our ministers, preachors, priests, etc are part of a normal funeral process for their members, and yet would turn and protest another funeral so rudely. Why is that? Don't their congregations have anyone who have served and lost their life? I'm afraid to ask what they do when it is their own!

Anyway, I've pondered that and I guess I needed to put more in print regarding it.

I've had a very rough time over my mom's passing. It's brought back a flood of old issues and such from some dysfunctional family issues. It gave me a chance to see my father, who is well into the grasp of Alzheimers and didn't know me.  It also gave me a surprising reality of how far apart the lives of my 8 yr younger sister and I were raised and our memories of it. It's shockingly amazing how different we perceived things. When she got out of school she moved out of state to marry her husband. Then they moved from S. Ohio to NE Texas. My parents moved to Arkansas when my dad retired. So I've not had much contact with any of them and contact has been difficult because they (parents) hated talking on the phone. Reality can be strange at times, but when there is a great distance between family members, it can be a real eye-opener at a funeral! Plus it hit home even harder that I may not see my dad again and he wouldn't know me anyway. Ouch!

I'm back. And I'll try to get here to post more often!

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