Tuesday, October 25, 2011

My Eye Injury!

OUCH! It's an understatement - vastly understated!

As you all know, I'm working on fencing and have that firearm deer season deadline looming. Saturday afternoon while working on the fence at a tree, I got something in my eye. The longer it was in there, the worse it HURT. It didn't get better after coming in and flushing it. I also tried some red out eye drops and that was a MISTAKE. They burnt so badly that I just wanted to scream. Being a big girl, I didn't but I think I heard a couple squeaks.

I don't want to see the ER bill! Not to mention, I hate spending hours at the hospital. It's such a waste of time and they move so so slowly.

Hours later I came home with eye drops (antibiotic), a bandaged eye, and no idea if it was a wood bit or metal. Not sure didn't tell me anything. They did say I had a bit of a puncture and a tear.

Today it's finally not so painful, easier to read, bandage off and still red. It's also still sensitive to bright light and outdoor lighting. I'm also minus the bandage today. It's a good thing too because the goats didn't appreciate it and wanted to reach it with hopes of pulling it off.

I wear glasses so it still amazes me I got something in my eye. I wear eye protection when we are splitting wood. They are worn for cutting wood too. I just never thought of needing them for fencing!

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