Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Fond Memories and Chores with the Boys!

I could look up the date that I lost Nipper, my ND buck, but I have already been thinking of him a lot the last week. I'm thinking that it was a year ago that I lost him. He's not forgotten and sadly missed.

On days like today, I'm very thankful to have his twin sons. They are very different in their antics and yet have many similarities too. Wrapper, the boy who had broken his leg and spent a lot of time inside healing, often reminds me of Nipper. Today Wrapper was doing his daddy's (and his) thing while I did chores. He runs along with me, races past me, and when I get where we're going, he's off to where I'll be going next. Then he races back and forth while waiting for me, all the while, demonstrating his athletic ability with his side-winder running moves, boink-boinking along, and that flat out run with a leap into the air. What a hoot!

Meanwhile, Patches (Wrap's twin) and Kernals (the new buck) amble along with me, usually RIGHT BEHIND me! Yes, if I stop unexpectedly, I often get rear-ended and then given the innocent, "Why did you stop here?" look.

Wrapper has to jump up on an old steel garbage can (froze down and wish I could move it) and leans over the edge of the stock tank for a tepid drink. Patches and Kernals patiently wait for me to scoop a bucket of water and place it in front of them. ALL new water MUST be taste tested before it can be taken to the barn! it's a goat rule! Wrapper scares me that he may fall in the tank, which would mean I'll have to bring the stinky fella to the house to get dried and warmed. Then back to the barn we head with water for the does. All the while, Wrapper is still showing me his moves.

He sure reminds me of his daddy! Patches and Kernals remind me of a couple old souls who are just plain happy to be under my feet and waiting for their being loved on.


  1. Glad to see that you're enjoying Nipper's boys! We're having a few warm afternoons so I'm spending more time's wonderful.

  2. I'm glad you're getting some good weather. We've had a EXCEPTIONALLY EASY winter too so I've had a few of those days!

    I really do enjoy both of these boys and Kernals too. Wrapper and Patches are very endearing in their own rights. Wrapper is a comic and Patches is a cuddle buddy. Combine it all and I have the best of all in their personalities.

    I can't wait to see kids from them!
