Wednesday, January 20, 2010

I can't wait any longer....

so I started a couple pots of tomato and banana pepper seeds today. I'm NEEDING to see something growing.

I'm still excited about getting an egg today too. No lights so this was a totally NATURAL egg and a good little hen! Nothing like a fluffly old woman standing on snow and ice giving some hens a bit of a cheerleading speech about what a good hen the egg layer is. That and the fact that I'm doing my part in feeding them well, warm water, a stinky goat they sit on to warm their tootsies. (Yes, when the buck lays down he usually ends up with a couple hens sneaking in for a cuddle and he lets them! I guess he figures he has a down cover!) I told them they need to reciprocate and I shouldn't be buying chicken feed AND store bought eggs. After all, store bought eggs make me complain!

It got up to 30 today and has been TOTALLY over cast and very dreary looking. I'll take 30 and dreary any day over 0 - 10 (F) and doing chores! I was warm enough to go in the romper room with the jr does and have a seat to visit with them. It's a good way to check them over. I found NO lice (makes me happy) but did see some feet that need a trim. I also was able to do some "feels good" scritching on the 3 does who will be FF and milkers. They will be better able to be relaxed if they enjoy my scritching. The one I've thought would have the most problem with the idea is the one who is first to ask (yes she does!) for that scritching up and down the sides of her throat and under the back of the jaw where the neck, poll, ear and throat intersect. Down the throat where the front of the shoulder attaches is another prize winning spot they enjoy. All 3 are now to the point they will stand and be scritched and let me rub my hands on their backs, sides and thigh without restraint. This is all "work" I like to do while getting them ready for milking. They already eat on the milkstand too. I like to take it slow and easy on them so they keep their trust in humans and hopefully shift into milking with little to no fuss.

I'm down to 2 day's wood left from the pile the neighbors so kindly brought us in the Fall. It's been a huge blessing and been nice to have it kinda close. By the end of the week I'll be hauling from the wood piles and work area. It's twice as far and harder to get through to the snow. But, we're close to the end of January so Spring will soon be along. I'm READY!

I think I may have found the new Alpine doe I was hoping for. Cross your fingers she's the one. She's a bred 2 year old 2nd freshener. I'm really starting to get more excited about my kids coming. Last year was a disappointment I couldn't catch the does in heat so ended up buying a Nubian buck to breed my Alpine does. I have 3 extremely nice NuPine does (the 3 who will be FF milkers this year but I'd rather have them all be registerable purebreds. So I'm more inline with my goals for this year which makes it more exciting and gets me wishing it would come faster!

I'm also chicken "shopping" and working on my plans for them and incorporating another new breed or 2. I've inquired about an incubator that I'll buy if they'll ship it to me. The ad is from the 18th so I'm hoping it's not been sold already! The price is great!

It's so nice to have it staying light longer! It also means pushing chore time back some too.

It's supper time so I need to get a move on! We're having oven fried chicken, baked potatoes and green bean casserole. I got a 10# bag of chicken at the store for $4.90. It's a great price but I cringe wondering if it's from China. I so hope not but didn't see the origin on the package. I thought it was required now! I'd rather pay a bit more for American raised chicken as I know the water supply and feed is cleaner here than China.

Have a good evening!

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