Thursday, March 25, 2010

She's TINY!

After my update I went to do chores and there's Kendra, AT FEEDING TIME, with hooves and a nose in the bag just emerging. So we have another set of twins! These are mini Alpines and MINI fits this doeling! She was like picking up a feather and just 3 pounds soaking wet! The white under Kendra's belly and above the doeling's back is her twin brother who is black and white - cou blanc in Alpine terms.

And this is why I've been soooo busy! These little "gifts" need to be dry and well fed before I can end my day. I did get up and go check on this tiny gal a few times during the night to make sure she was not chilling and was eating. She's wearing sweats so has some help being warm (and her brother has sweats too).

Now it's Claire's turn and she's not far off and has started nesting.

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