Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Cheese Making - Cheddar Curds

Have you ever made homemade cheese? I do and I LOVE it! It's helpful to have my dairy goats so I have fresh milk but you can make it with store bought milk too. You'd have to buy additional cream to make it a rich cheese though.
I need to get a cheese press made and get the items needed to make aged cheese as that's my next step. I need the wax used for aging and to have a suitable "cave" that will hold at 55 degrees. My fridge is set much lower because of milk storage so I's not going to work. My ideal would be to find a small dorm-sized refrigerator that can be dedicated to just cheese.

In the meantime, I LOVE making cheddar curds. These fresh curds are "addictive" and sooooo yummy. Then there's all the nutrition too!

Instead of just giving you the directions, I'm going to give you the link that I started with as it's full of great photos and so easy to understand that you really can do this with your kids for a home science experience. Then they can have a nutritious snack instead of the candy and chips and such they wish they had. This is a great way to help your kids have healthy snacks and improve their habits. This is a reliable company too that has a great reputation in the cheesemaking world.


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